Guest Book
Please feel free to sign my guestbook to let me know you visited!
Name : Doreen Aldridge
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Known You for many years
Comments : Congratulations to the Karraine Team. You have still got it and you always will.We love you Pat
Date : 19-Nov-21
Name : Maryanne Campbell
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Luckily a friend
Comments : Love Love Love these guys!!! Hakuna Mutata; Wunderbar; Heidi, Volkie Bear and Coco! How could I be so lucky!!!!!!
Date : 5-Jul-21
Name : Freya Dunkerley
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Google
Comments : I was lucky enough to take home my gorgeous Long Stock Coat German Shepherd, Sage, in March 2019. She is the most beautiful dog and my life has improved so much having her in it - truly my best friend and guardian angel. Thank you Pat for breeding such amazing dogs.
Date : 10-Dec-19
Name : Viv Brown
Web Site :
Country : Australia Tasmania
How you found us : Google
Comments : It was about a year and a half ago now that our family grew, when we were lucky enough to take home our beautiful boy Berklee. He had grown into a very handsome, loving and funny boy.
We are so glad we took our time to find the right breeder, we can highly recommend Pat if your looking for an amazing new family member.
Date : 28-Jun-19
Name : Silpot
Web Site : http://
Country : Poland
How you found us : Google
Comments : Very nice dogs.
Best regards from Poland!
Date : 24-Jun-19
Name : Silpot
Web Site : http://
Country : [email protected]
How you found us : Google
Comments : Very nice dogs.
Best regards from Poland!
Date : 24-Jun-19
Name : Damien
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Website
Comments : In 2007 you delivered me the best friend I could have imagined. Thank You. I meet so many other GSD owners who own your dogs and they are always good looking, well behaved dogs and their owners and myself can not fault your kennel. Wishing you many more years of prosperity and breeding.
Date : 5-Mar-17
Name : Doreen Aldridge
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : Friends
Comments : Beautiful boy a pleasure to live with
Date : 7-Dec-16
Name : Johnny
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us :
Comments : Our Beautiful 'Bella' (now 8) has the best temperment that I've ever seen in a dog and is equally as loyal and intelligent.
Unortunately, ear infections have been a constant and expensive ongoing problem that we've had to deal with for many years now and I was wondering if you have had other dogs which have presented similar persistant ear health issues?
Date : 15-Feb-16
Name : John & Vivien Nightingale
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us : web search
Comments : Hi Pat,
I remember well New Years day at Bushy Park show with our beautiful Karraine Katarina. We now live in Qld, but we often wonder how you are going after all these years. It looks as though you are still breeding stunning dogs. All the best from John & Viv.
Date : 31-Dec-15
Name : Terri
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us :
Comments : We purchased a beautiful girl from you Gemma (black opal) July 2000. She has been the most wonderful, loving, gentle and loyal dog who has been a big part of our family. Unfortunately we had to make the sad decision to let her go today due to arthritis becoming too painful. Gemma was truely the best dog a young family could ask for. Thank you for sharing her with us.
Date : 24-Oct-15
Name : Andrew Finkelde
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us :
Comments : Hi Pat and Kevin, I first met you, Pat 40 years ago, when my parents bought Karraine Kirsten, currently looking for a pup and saw you on the net, and just had to say hi :-) glad to see you are still breeding beautiful dogs, regards Andrew
Date : 12-Mar-14
Name : Fred Lanting, Mr.GSD
Web Site :
Country : USA
How you found us : National Dog story Dec 2012
Comments : Very pleased to see a normal, correct GSD (Blazing Upa Storm) pictured as a recent winner. Having been in the breed since 1947, having been an SV judge, and having judged in Australia, it is a pleasure to see such quality.
Fred (author of the Total GSD, and of the big HD/orthopedics book)
Date : 16-Dec-12
Name : Jill Hurst
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us :
Comments : Hi Pat and Kevin
I've just been looking at your website and have fallen in love with Lincoln! I've just been showing my eldest son, Mitch, the photos of him, we would so love to have one of your gorgeous dogs, but just don't have time for one right now. I feel so privileged to have handled so many of your beautiful dogs, "Brando" and "Dinah" to name just 2. How many times did we hear judges say "Bring out the German Shepherd" with Dinah? Some of my happiest memories at dog shows are of your beautiful dogs and I am so grateful that you allowed me to handle them for you for so many years. One day I will have a Shepherd and there is no doubt it will come from you. With much love. Jill Hurst.
Date : 17-Sep-12
Name : Jill Hurst
Web Site :
Country : Australia
How you found us :
Comments : Hi Pat and Kevin
I've just been looking at your website and have fallen in love with Lincoln! I've just been showing my eldest son, Mitch, the photos of him, we would so love to have one of your gorgeous dogs, but just don't have time for one right now. I feel so privileged to have handled so many of your beautiful dogs, "Brando" and "Dinah" to name just 2. How many times did we hear judges say "Bring out the German Shepherd" with Dinah? Some of my happiest memories at dog shows are of your beautiful dogs and I am so grateful that you allowed me to handle them for you for so many years. One day I will have a Shepherd and there is no doubt it will come from you. I think of you often and hope you are both well. With much love. Jill Hurst.
Date : 17-Sep-12
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